StormWater Management
The City of Union City is responsible for developing and implementing a Storm Water Management Plan as required by the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit issued by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC).
There are approximately 7,250 permitted Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), including large and small MS4s that exist nationwide, operating under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) MS4 permit. The NPDES MS4 permit requires, permittees to develop and implement a comprehensive Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) that must include pollution prevention measures, treatment or removal techniques, monitoring, use of legal authority, and other appropriate measures to control the quality of storm water discharged to the storm drains and then to waters of the United States.
What is Stormwater?
Stormwater is generally rain that runs off surfaces that cannot absorb water. These surfaces include rooftops, pavement, and compacted gravel lots. As water flows on these surfaces towards the storm drains, it picks up pollutants such as sediment, pet waste, oil, grease, fertilizers, chemicals and whatever else is on the ground and makes its way untreated to local streams & ponds. Our storm drain system, unlike the sanitary sewer system that comes from your house receives no treatment before it eventually reaches our ponds & streams. The pollutants it picks up on its way there has the potential of harming fish and other wildlife and polluting large areas of water.

Jason Moss
Stormwater Hotline
The goals of the Stormwater Management Plan are to:
- Reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable.
- Protect water quality.
- Satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the federal Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended in 1987).
The program concentrates on six areas that are essential to achieving the program goals. The program is continuously evolving as new ideas and methods for reducing or eliminating stormwater runoff pollution are incorporated into the program and as federal and state laws are enacted that affect the program.
- Public Education and Outreach
- Public Involvement and Participation
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
- Permanent Storm Water Management in New Development and Re-Development
- Pollution Prevention and Best Practices for Municipal Operations
The program is continuously evolving as new ideas and methods for reducing or eliminating stormwater runoff pollution are incorporated into the program and as federal and state laws are enacted that affect the program.
What is a Stormwater User Fee?
The Stormwater User Fee is the result of an unfunded mandate from the EPA that protects streams, lakes, and rivers from pollution. This mandate is forced upon municipalities with populations over 10,000 commonly refered to as MS4s. In order to effectively meet existing and anticipated stormwater expectations through the State of Tennessee, such as water quality, inspections, public education and testing, the Stormwater User Fee has been passed to fund the City of Union City’s Stormwater Program. The fee for residential properties is $2.50 while the fee for commercial properties is based off of the square footage of the impervious area that cannot filtrate water.
Union City Minimum Stormwater Requirements
Click here to review the City of Union City’s Minimum Requirements for Stormwater & Erosion Control.
Ordinance & Reports
- City of Union City 2015-2016 MS4 Report
- City of Union City 2016-2017 MS4 Report
- City of Union City 2017-2018 MS4 Report
- City of Union City 2018-2019 MS4 Report
- General NPDES Permit for Construction Activities
- General NPDES Permit for MS4s
- Union City MS4 NOC
- Union City MS4 NOI
- Union City Storm Water Ordinance
Forms, Permits & Procedures
Information & Education
What You Can Do
Get involved by raising awareness about potential threats to your drinking water, local rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands, the fish you eat, and aquatic ecosystems.
- Report any non-emergency type pollution problem to your local government offices. For emergency pollution problems, such as major spills, call 911.
- Never dump anything down a storm drain inlet. They flow directly to our lakes and streams.
- Keep your leaves and grass clippings out of the streets so that they do not end up washing into the storm drain inlets.
- Wash your vehicles on your lawn or at a car wash facility instead of in your driveway.
- Keep your automobiles and your gas powered lawn mowers or blowers well-tuned so that they are not dripping toxic fluids or emitting toxic fumes.
- Do not use chemicals on your lawn before it is expected to rain, and try using organic or slow-release products, which are better for your lawn and for the environment.
- Be conservative with pesticides and herbicides (weed killers) and try natural alternatives. Call your local Extension Service to find out more about natural pesticides.
- Make sure your air conditioners are in good working order and not leaking harmful chemicals.
- Install early closing toilet flappers and water conserving shower heads.
- Lawns need less than an inch of water per week. If it rains an inch, do not water. Try using a rain gauge.